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  • How easy is it to bring overseas-born surrogate babies back to Australia and what are their parents' rights?

How easy is it to bring overseas-born surrogate babies back to Australia and what are their parents' rights?

Reuters: Damir Sagolj

The baby Gammy case has exposed the pitfalls of the international commercial surrogacy trade. Gammy, a baby with Down syndrome, was left with his Thai surrogate mother while his healthy twin sister returned to Western Australia to live with her biological father and his wife. Since then, two Australian couples have been temporarily stopped from leaving Thailand with their surrogate children. Thai authorities are considering draft legislation that may shut down the commercial surrogacy trade.

A Family Law Council report, recently released by Attorney-General George Brandis, says "a significant and apparently growing number of children are being born as a result of commercial surrogacy arrangements outside Australia (more than several hundred each year)".

The spate of cases raises questions about the legal rights a child born to an overseas surrogate has in Australia, and what rights Australians who engage in surrogacy agreements have in Thailand and other countries.

Obtaining Australian citizenship

When a baby is born to a surrogate mother in Thailand or India, euphoria may be quickly overcome by the legal minefield that must be navigated to get the baby Australian citizenship, a passport, and eventually to achieve the legal status having an Australian parent.

In addition to the general documents required for Australian citizenship, when a child is born as a result of a surrogacy arrangement there needs to be a certified copy of the agreement and evidence that the child is the biological child of the "commissioning" parent. The commissioning parent and child "need" to undergo DNA testing.

Nonetheless, the bans on overseas surrogacy agreements in some states raise a number of questions for a couple returning with a surrogate child from Thailand or India.

While the federal Immigration Department may grant the child citizenship, the department warns commissioning parents that overseas surrogacy arrangements may not fulfil the requirements for a transfer of legal parentage under state law. The department says this "may be because the arrangement entered into is commercial in nature and/or the parties may not have received counselling or independent legal advice". The Department of Foreign Affairs says "under Australian law, the surrogate mother may have parental responsibility for the child she gave birth to regardless of whether she has a biological connection, is listed on the child's birth certificate or is considered to have parental responsibility under local law".

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  • Address: 17 Holosiivska St, Business Center Morion, Kiev 03039, Ukraine
    NOTEAll meetings by appointment only.
  • Phone: +380 44 545 58 24 | Kyiv time GMT +2 (UTC +2)
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  • Our office is open every Monday through Friday
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Nova Espero is not a medical facility. We provide only legal services and support throughout your process. Our job is to provide you with a matching surrogate mother and /or egg donor, control her, prepare legal paperwork in compliance with the Ukrainian laws and make everything smooth. We value our reputation and our main task is to protect your interests and represent you on the territory of Ukraine.

Contact us

NOTEOnly heterosexual married couples with medical indications for surrogacy are allowed to proceed. IPs must be free from HIV, Hepatitis B and C, syphilis and other diseases. Single men/women, same sex marriages please email us, we have partners in other countries that can take your case.

  • Absence of uterus (congenital or acquired)
  • Deformation of the cavity or neck of uterus in congenital malformations or as a result of diseases, under which carrying of a pregnancy is impossible
  • Synechia of the uterus that cannot be treated
  • A (severe) physical illness under which pregnancy threatens your life or health even if the child may not be in danger
  • Unsuccessful attempts of assisted reproductive technologies (4 or more).

NOTE Your doctor should indicate one of these reasons in the medical letter so that you will be able to proceed in Ukraine (otherwise the clinic won't accept you to the program). Please, contact us for more information if you have any questions regarding this report.

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