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Genetic test 'could predict IVF success'

Genetic test 'could predict IVF success'

Researchers from the UK and the Netherlands have identified a 'genetic signature' in the womb that could help explain repeated IVF failure in some women.

"Many women undergo a number of IVF cycles without success despite having good quality embryos and, up to now, it has been unclear whether or not the lining of the womb may be the cause of that," said study co-lead Professor Nick Macklon, medical director of Complete Fertility Centre Southampton.

Painkillers during pregnancy reduce fertility of offspring

Painkillers during pregnancy reduce fertility of offspring

Scientists have discovered that the use of painkillers during pregnancy in rats may reduce the fertility of their offspring.

The study shows that rats who were put on a course of paracetamol or prescription-only drug indomethacin gave birth to female offspring with fewer eggs, smaller ovaries, and who had smaller litters themselves.

The effects of the painkillers were even observed in the subsequent generation – the granddaughters of the initial test subjects were found to have smaller ovaries and altered reproductive function.

New IVF technique allows 'in womb' conception

New IVF technique allows 'in womb' conception

A new IVF technique has been developed which allows fertilisation to occur in the womb rather than in the laboratory.

The technique involves putting the sperm and egg together in a small silicone capsule, which is then placed into the womb. The device, called AneVivo, is one centimetre long and one millimetre wide and contains hundreds of tiny holes that allow the fluids from the womb to surround the egg and sperm as would occur during a natural conception. After 24 hours, the capsule is removed to allow doctors to select the healthiest embryo, which is then re-implanted back into the womb.

Surrogacy is like sex crime - Italian minister Alfano

Surrogacy is like sex crime - Italian minister Alfano

Italy's interior minister, Angelino Alfano, has said that people who use surrogacy should be treated as sex offenders and sent to prison, in the face of Italian prime minister Matteo Renzi's attempts to grant family rights to same-sex couples.

Alfano, who made the comments while speaking to Italy's Roman Catholic Avvenire newspaper, has argued the legislation will give rise to gay couples seeking children via surrogate mothers. He was reported saying: 'We want wombs-for-rent to become a universal crime, which is punished with a jail term, just as happens for sex crimes.'

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  • Address: 17 Holosiivska St, Business Center Morion, Kiev 03039, Ukraine
    NOTEAll meetings by appointment only.
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  • Our office is open every Monday through Friday
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Nova Espero is not a medical facility. We provide only legal services and support throughout your process. Our job is to provide you with a matching surrogate mother and /or egg donor, control her, prepare legal paperwork in compliance with the Ukrainian laws and make everything smooth. We value our reputation and our main task is to protect your interests and represent you on the territory of Ukraine.

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NOTEOnly heterosexual married couples with medical indications for surrogacy are allowed to proceed. IPs must be free from HIV, Hepatitis B and C, syphilis and other diseases. Single men/women, same sex marriages please email us, we have partners in other countries that can take your case.

  • Absence of uterus (congenital or acquired)
  • Deformation of the cavity or neck of uterus in congenital malformations or as a result of diseases, under which carrying of a pregnancy is impossible
  • Synechia of the uterus that cannot be treated
  • A (severe) physical illness under which pregnancy threatens your life or health even if the child may not be in danger
  • Unsuccessful attempts of assisted reproductive technologies (4 or more).

NOTE Your doctor should indicate one of these reasons in the medical letter so that you will be able to proceed in Ukraine (otherwise the clinic won't accept you to the program). Please, contact us for more information if you have any questions regarding this report.

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