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France to recognise surrogate children

France to recognise surrogate children

One of France's highest courts ruled that children born to surrogates abroad have the right to have their births and citizenship recognised by the state.

The ruling is something of a landmark for France, which has an outright ban on surrogacy, and has until now left such children living in legal limbo.

Children born to surrogates abroad could not previously obtain any legal status in the country, including a legal connection to their parents or a passport, nor could they register for any state benefits such as healthcare.

Male Infertility

Male Infertility

Often, an exact cause of infertility can't be identified. Even if an exact cause isn't clear, your doctor might be able to recommend treatments or procedures that will result in conception.

In cases of infertility, the female partner is also recommended to be checked. This can help to determine if she will require any specific treatments or if proceeding with assisted reproductive techniques is appropriate.

Female Infertility

Female Infertility

How your infertility is treated depends on the cause, your age, how long you've been infertile and personal preferences. Because infertility is a complex disorder, treatment involves significant financial, physical, psychological and time commitments. Although some women need just one or two therapies to restore fertility, it's possible that several different types of treatment may be needed before you're able to conceive.

Treatments can either attempt to restore fertility — by means of medication or surgery — or assist in reproduction with sophisticated techniques.

Commercial surrogacy should be legalised - Australia

Reuters: Damir Sagolj

The Chief Justice of the Family Court has called for the immediate legalisation of commercial surrogacy in Australia. In a wide-ranging speech in Brisbane last night, Justice Diana Bryant told journalists that current laws were driving couples to enter into unethical arrangements overseas.

She said two disturbing cases of child abandonment in India and Thailand should force the Federal Government to act. Justice Bryant said Australian women should be able to be paid to be a surrogate mother.
"I personally think we should regulate and allow commercial surrogacy in Australia," she said. "If we allow it in Australia, we then can regulate it and ensure that it's done on ethical terms."

Average Programs Costs


  • Address: 17 Holosiivska St, Business Center Morion, Kiev 03039, Ukraine
    NOTEAll meetings by appointment only.
  • Phone: +380 44 545 58 24 | Kyiv time GMT +2 (UTC +2)
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  • Our office is open every Monday through Friday
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New Hope - Nova Espero is not a medical facility. We provide only legal services and support throughout your process. Our job is to provide you with a matching surrogate mother and /or egg donor, control her, prepare legal paperwork in compliance with the Ukrainian laws and make everything smooth. We value our reputation and our main task is to protect your interests and represent you on the territory of Ukraine.

Contact us

NOTEOnly heterosexual married couples with medical indications for surrogacy are allowed to proceed. IPs must be free from HIV, Hepatitis B and C, syphilis and other diseases. Single men/women, same sex marriages please email us, we have partners in other countries that can take your case.

  • Absence of uterus (congenital or acquired)
  • Deformation of the cavity or neck of uterus in congenital malformations or as a result of diseases, under which carrying of a pregnancy is impossible
  • Synechia of the uterus that cannot be treated
  • A (severe) physical illness under which pregnancy threatens your life or health even if the child may not be in danger
  • Unsuccessful attempts of assisted reproductive technologies (4 or more).

NOTE Your doctor should indicate one of these reasons in the medical letter so that you will be able to proceed in Ukraine (otherwise the clinic won't accept you to the program). Please, contact us for more information if you have any questions regarding this report.

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